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Basic Math Skills, Grade 1 - Teacher Reproducibles

Evan-Moor Educational Publishers

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  In Basic Math Skills, Grade 1 you’ll find just what you need to provide extra skill practice for individual students, small groups, or the whole class. These reproducible pages are perfect for homework, too.   Skills practiced include:   Number and Operations:   Count, read, and write whole numbers to 100  Estimate, compare, and order numbers  Group tens and ones  Count by tens, fives, and twos  Identify and count coins  Identify odd and even numbers Use ordinal numbers  Read, write, and draw fractions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4)  Add and subtract 1-digit and 2-digit numbers to 20    Algebra   Copy, extend, describe, and create patterns  Use the symbols +, –, and = correctly  Write, solve, and create problem situations involving addition and subtraction   Geometry   Identify, describe, and compare plane objects (triangle, rectangle, square, circle) Classify familiar plane and solid objects by common attributes  Give and follow directions about location  Arrange and describe objects in space by proximity, position, and direction   Identify and draw lines of symmetry    Measurement   Compare length using direct comparison or nonstandard units  Measure length using customary (inch) or metric (centimeter) units  Compare weight or liquid volume using direct comparison or nonstandard units Tell time to the nearest half hour and relate time to events    Data Analysis and Probability   Sort objects and data by common attributes and describe the categories  Interpret data using pictures and graphs  Represent and compare data using pictures, tally charts, bar graphs, and picture graphs   Also includes reproducible flash cards that cover addition and subtraction facts to 18.This resource contains teacher support pages, reproducible student pages, and an answer key.