In Basic Math Skills, Grade 3 you’ll find just what you need to provide extra skill practice for individual students, small groups, or the whole class. These reproducible pages are perfect for homework too. Skills practiced include: Number and Operations Count, read, write, and compare whole numbers to 10,000 Group thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones Add and subtract 1-digit and multi-digit numbers Multiply and divide one-digit and multi-digit numbers Compute and estimate with whole numbers Identify, compare, and calculate using fractions Identify, count, and compute the value of coins and bills Algebra Analyze, describe, and extend linear patterns Select appropriate operations and relation symbols to make a number sentence true Recognize and use the commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication Solve problems involving a functional relationship between two quantities Geometry Overview Identify and describe plane geometric figures by their attributes Identify and describe common solid figures by their attributes Identify and compare lines, line segments, and rays Identify angles and determine whether they are greater or less than a right angle Measurement Tell time to the minute, identify the time of day, and find elapsed times Use a schedule and calendar to answer questions Choose the appropriate tools and units (metric and standard U.S.) to estimate and measure length, liquid volume, and weight Carry out simple unit conversions within a system of measurement Find the perimeter of a polygon Determine the area and volume of figures using squares or cubes Data Analysis and Probability Read and interpret data on various types of graph Collect, record, and classify data Explore probability, record possible outcomes, and use results to predict future events This resource contains teacher support pages, reproducible student pages, and an answer key.