Your Story Hour is proud to present this new set of exciting, dramatized stories. You'll enjoy hearing the adventure of Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton, the classic stories of the Golden Locket and Alone for Christmas, and other heart-warming stories of courage and character. Great listening and entertainment for the whole family.
Each CD is approximately one-hour in length.
Stories included: (CD1) SAILING SOUTH (Shackleton Part 1) The expedition begins/THE RELENTLESS ICE (Shackleton Part 2) The ship Endurance is trapped
(CD2)CASTAWAYS IN A FROZEN WORLD (Shackleton Part 3) The crew take to the ice floes/THE INCREDIBLE VOYAGE (Shackleton Part 4)Shackleton tackles the world's worst seas in a small boat
(CD3)THE IMPOSSIBLE JOURNEY (Shackleton Part 5) Three men accomplish a miracle/THE AMAZING RESCUE (Shackleton Part 6) The conclusion to Shackleton's epic adventure
(CD4)THE DISAPPEARING TRUCKER A mysterious guide in an Iowa blizzard/THREE MONTHS UNDER THE SNOW A shepherd and his grandson are trapped by a winter storm
(CD5)ALONE FOR CHRISTMAS Three unlikely Christmas Eve companions/THE GOLDEN LOCKET A classic story of the heart
(CD6)UNCLE TOOTSIE ROLL The power of honesty/RING OF FIRE An adventure of obedience and forgiveness/THIRTEEN O'CLOCK Town clock bells trigger an unusual request/THE WALL OF GOD A family is rescued by a miracle of faith