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Math in Focus: The Singapore Approach Grade 3 Student Pack

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Sale price $92.75 Regular price $122.85

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This Student Packet kit contains the Math in Focus books needed by the 3rd Grade student, and includes:   Workbook 3A, 200 pages, softcover. Workbook 3B, 264 pages, softcover. Textbook 3A, 286 pages, hardcover. Textbook 3B, 428 pages, hardcover. Assessments Book, 191 pages, paperback; tests are perforated, three-hole-punched, and reproducible. Based upon the Singapore method of teaching mathematics, Math in Focus features a problem-based approach that builds on a concrete-to-pictorial-to-abstract progression. Within each grade fewer topics are taught, but at a more in-depth level; visual representations, modeling strategies, and a development of conceptual understanding, place value, and computation fluency help students to understand the "how" behind their exercises. The consumable student workbooks provide practice, assessment, and skill-development exercises. In the textbooks, cheery illustrations and easy-to-understand lessons give kids a fun atmosphere to work in. Each chapter includes "Put on Your Thinking Cap" problem solving exercises and multi-chapter cumulative reviews. The first semester of third grade (3A) helps children work on numbers, addition, & subtraction to 10,000; estimation; bar models; multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8, & 9; division; and more. The second semester (3B) covers money; metric length & volume; measurement; bar graphs & line plots; fractions; length & weight; time & temperature; shapes; area & perimeter; and more. Grade 3.