
For the masses of maze lovers who delight in outwitting the creators of mind-bending labyrinths, this treasury of unconventional brain-teasers provides plenty of challenges. Maze master Lee Daniel Quinn has constructed 48 puzzles of varying difficulty. Far from run-of-the-mill, these unusual amusements include "Zigflections," a two-part maze in which the bottom reflects the top; "Welk's Revenge," in which the maze traveler pops in at the top of a mass of bouncing bubbles and (with considerable foresight) slips and slides to the bottom; and "Chinese Knot," based on a common design in Oriental crafts that has you weaving your way from either of two openings at the top of the pattern down to a single opening at the bottom. Most of the mazes included here are appropriate for intermediate or advanced solvers; some are simple enough for beginners. All are accompanied by solutions for the frazzled and frustrated. Age Recommendation: 11 and up! Page Count: 64 pages