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Visual Manna Two

Visual Manna

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So many people enjoyed Visual Manna Art Curriculum (our family included). I''m so thankful for the ministry of Rich and Sharon provided for us through the gifts God richly blessede them with. Visual Manna Two is for those students who have already done V.M. One. It is specifically aimed at junior high and high school students. Multilevel teaching is still provided and technique and art history are provided for each lessons. Thirty art prints are included with corresponding lessons. A typical lesson begins with a technique being taught, such as impressionism, followed by a corresponding art print and art project. Advanced techniques using oil pastels, chalk pastels, watercolor, acrylic painting and mixed media are taught. Suggestions for unit studies are listed in the back of the book. It relates music, recipes, history and creative writing to the masterpieces and that particular time period. Some of the areas covered are impressionism, lions, church and cathedral structures, weather landscape, drafting and more. Many spiritual lessons can be learned through art. Each lesson is multilevel, so you can teach different ages at the same time. Retail Price $49.99